Application for Conduct Certificate/College Living Certificate or any other Certificate should be submitted 3 days before the date on which the certificate is wanted by the applicant. A no dues certificate from the different sections of the College should

be attached. However in exceptional cases, a duplicate C.L.C. may be issued on payment of the prescribed fees only when the principal is sufficiently satisfied with the evidence. An affidavit is to be produced by the applicant to the effect that the original is lost and not used for admission else where.


Every student shall be provided with a Photo-Identity Card & Hung Identity Card duly attested by the Principal. The holder of the card must keep it with him/her during the college hours, examinations and all college functions. The holder is required to produce the card whenever demanded. The college shall not be responsible for any misuse of the card. A duplicate card can be issued on satisfactory explanation for the loss or damage on payment of the prescribed fee.


Every student shall be provided with a photo Library Card duly attested by the Principal. The holder is required to produce the card at the time of receipt of Library Books.