The aim and objectives of the society is to increase love for science and to hold meetings on topics of different Scientific interests. It organizes Annual Science Exihibition on the Republic day of each year. The Executive Body of the society consists of the following:

1. President- Principal.

2. Vice-president- from among the teaching staff nominated by the Principal.

3. Associate Vice- President(s)

4. Secretary- and Asst. Secretary- to be elected by the students of science classes only. 5. One class representative from each class.


The Planning forum of Talcher College has the following aims and objectives.

1. To put effort to make planning a success.

2. To make students and public aware of the implication of planning.

3. To seek co-operation of the members of ths staff. To seek suggestion, comments, views from the educated and enlightened section of the public, members of the staff and students.

5. To visit community development blocks to assess their progress.

6. To organise the village adoption scheme.

7. To assist the planning commission in other ways e.g. by starting small service drive.


President - Principal (Ex-officio)
Vice-President to be nominated by the Principal from among the staff of Economics Dept.
A Secretary - to be elected by the members
An Assistant Secretary to be selected by members
Class representatives to be elected by the students of each class.
All lecturers in Economics Dept. are members of the Executive committee.
In all doubtful cases, the decision of the Principal shall be final.


The society of S.S.G. consists of the Principal as President and one member of the teaching staff as its vice-president and two elected representative from the students as its Secretary and Asst. Secretary. The objectives of the society is to facilitate financial help to students on the basis of merit and poverty.


There is a (Boys)wing of Scouts and (Girls) wing of Guides in the College. Any student with a desire to develop his/her personality and to do some service to the nation can join either wing.

(A) Motto of Scouts/ Guides BE PREPARED

(B) Aims and Objectives

1. To perform one’s duty to God/Religion and to one’s motherland.
2. To help other people.
3. To inculcate the virtues like

a) Loyality, b) Universal brotherhood,c) Politeness and courtesy, d) Close affinity with animals and environment, e) Discipline, f) Courage, g) Thrift, h) Purity in thought, word and action, i) Obedience. On the whole, scouting has the basic principles like duty to God, to country, service to fellowmen and obedience to scout law. These principles are to be translated into activities like doing a good deed daily, inspiring others to do good deeds, thus making the society a better society and the world a happier world. A scout must keep in mind ‘’Once a Scout, always a Scout”.